Growing Active Maritime English Phrase Knowledge through Multiple Exposures: A Case of Iranian Port and Maritime ESP Learners

Mohammad Akbar Raeissi


Growing active vocabulary knowledge is one of the most important aspects of learning English Language. However, despite utilizing common vocabulary learning strategies, learners may end up only with a passive level of vocabulary knowledge (recognition or recalling the meaning), and in most cases they may not be able to actively use the target vocabulary items in required situations. Some researchers believe in effectiveness of multiple exposures on deep retention of vocabulary items. However, some raise doubt about it. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of multiple exposures technique on active vocabulary knowledge growth in the field of maritime English. The participants were 21 ESP leaners from the Port and Maritime General Directorate of Sistan and Baluchistan whose work and educational background were related to maritime field. They were instructed 14 vocabulary items in a related subject (maritime incidents), half of them through traditional word list repetition and the rest through multiple exposures. The learners were asked at the end of the course to take notes for a presentation in the same subject matter, using the vocabulary they have already learnt. It was revealed that vocabulary items taut through multiple exposures appeared significantly more frequently in the learners' notes, than those taut through traditional learning method. This implies that exposing vocabulary items in different contexts increase the learners' ability to their use.


Active Vocabulary, ESP, Exposures

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