The Use of Oral Feedback in Developing the Speaking Skills ‎of Saudi EFL Students

Ali Nasser Zrair


This study attempted to identify the impact of oral feedback on enhancing the speaking skill of Saudi EFL students. Also, the study aimed to identify the learners’ problems with oral feedback in their language classes and the learners’ preferences of oral feedback. In order to achieve these goals, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as the data collection instrument. The study comprised a sample of (30) EFL Saudi male students in the preparatory year at King Saud university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The findings of the study revealed that the students see that oral feedback has an important role in enhancing their speaking skill. The findings also revealed that the students have problems with regard to oral feedback such as the timing of giving the oral feedback by the teacher and the technique of oral feedback. Furthermore, the findings showed that the students prefer the oral feedback on their errors while speaking and prefer to get immediate feedback for their oral errors. The study recommended that teachers should provide the oral feedback to the students’ error in a timely manner and with a consideration of the selected feedback technique.


oral feedback, speaking skills, recasts, EFL, Saudi students

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