The Impact of Social Media on EFL Learners’ Speaking Skill: ‎A Survey Study Involving EFL Teachers and Students

Ehsan Namaziandost, Mehdi Nasri


Social media have gained much respect and popularity among EFL teachers who are in need to go beyond the traditional methods of teaching where teachers used to accomplish most parts of the job. Moreover, our traditional classrooms still emphasize on writing and reading at the expense of speaking. Therefore, teaching speaking represents a great challenge for both EFL teachers and learners who display low achievements in their oral skills. The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using Social media on EFL students’ speaking skill. The research covers two basic issues. First, the extent to which Social media affect students’ speaking skill. Second, how can Social media be helpful in EFL context to improve speaking? The research was done at Islamic Azad Universities of Iran. Two questionnaires were distributed; one for 100 EFL teachers and the other one addressed to 100 learners. The practical outcome of the study has displayed that the frequent usage of Social media by EFL students as well as teachers constitutes a significant impact on both users. It has also reflected the teachers’ readiness to integrate Social media in EFL context by means of a convenient pedagogy. Technology is believed to make students respond positively in a language classroom, therefore, it is tremendously important for teachers to enrich their teaching process with the appropriate use of Social media and to promote a global understanding among the EFL Students who should broaden their perspectives about the target cultures and ameliorate their communicative competence in order to interact and communicate effectively and appropriately in English Language.


social media, social media tools, speaking skill, EFL students, EFL teachers

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