A Translation Criticism of the Persian Translation of ‎‎“A**hole No More” Written by Xavier Crement ‎

Mehrnoosh Pirhayati


Translation is affected by the different meta-textual factors of target context such as, ideology, politics, norms, and culture, and the rule of fidelity or being faithful to the Source Text (ST) in the process of translation has been affected or breached by such these meta-textual factors. On the other hand, in recent years, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), as a multidisciplinary science derived from applied linguistics, has been entered the field of Translation Studies (TS) and has been used by the scholars of this field to reveal the hidden linguistic deviations and the possible roots of manipulation acts in the process of translation. In this regard, this study focused on the famous and bestseller book entitle, “A**hole No More” by Xavier Crement (1990), to critically compare and analyze its Persian translation with it and to reveal the root(s) of the manipulation strategies used by the Persian translator. The researcher applied Pirhayati’s (2019) model of translation criticism (TC) as the means for this comparative study. The results of the comparisons and analyses indicated that the Persian translation of this book is affected by the two factors of economic and ideology and depicted that the Islamic attitude, Islamic culture, and Islamic polices as the three main factors which root in the Islamic ideology caused the translator to employ the manipulation strategies. Those who may benefit from this research are translation students, translation trainers, translation criticizers, and the scholars of TS.


A**hole No More, Ideology, Manipulation, Pirhayati’s (2019) model of TC, Translation ‎Criticism (TC), Xavier Crement (1990)‎

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