The Effect of Flipped Professional Development on English Language Teachers’ Engagement and Attitude
Flipped learning is a relatively new approach in teaching. In Flipped learning the place of teacher’s lectures and the homework is reversed to enhance active learning and engagement. This study was done to examine the effect of flipped classroom on English language novice teachers’ engagement and their attitude towards flipped classroom. To conduct this study 150 English female teachers were selected among different institutes and private schools of Iran, Tehran which were located in districts 1, 2, 3, 5. The teachers were divided randomly in experimental and control groups. The experimental group including 75 teachers had flipped classroom; they were placed in two classes, while the control group including 75 teachers had traditional lecture-based classroom; they were placed in two classes as well. They had a course of classroom management for 6 weeks. Afterwards, data was collected by a questionnaire which was completed by teachers to examine their engagements and their attitudes toward flipped professional development. Results of the questionnaire indicated that EFL teachers had higher engagement levels in flipped classroom than lecture-based classes; moreover, teachers had a positive attitude toward flipped professional development.
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