The Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Resilience and ‎Creativity

Gholamreza Parsi


The present study intended to examine the relationship between EFL teachers’ resilience and creativity. To this end, 120 EFL teachers within the age range of 24 to 46, who were teaching in different language schools in Mashhad took part in the study. The participants of the study were selected based on convenience sampling procedure and were asked to complete the Creativity Fostering Teacher Index (CFTI) developed by Soh (2000) and the Teacher Resilience Scale developed by Connor and Davidson (2003). The results of Pearson product moment correlation showed that there was a significant relationship between EFL teachers’ resilience and creativity. Furthermore, the results of regression analyses revealed that EFL teachers’ resilience was a significant predictor of their creativity. In the light of the findings of the present study, EFL teachers and policy makers are thus recommended to apply and introduce various applicable strategies to improve EFL teachers’ resilience in order to help them develop higher level of creativity. The results of the study are discussed in more details in the paper.


Creativity, Resilience, EFL Teachers

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