The Effects of Right/Left brain Dominance and Two Pre-writing Strategies of Clustering and Looping on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Performance

Sanaz Nadimi


The present study investigated the effects of right/left-brain dominance and two pre-writing strategies of clustering and looping on Iranian lower-intermediate EFL learners’ writing performance. The participants of this study were 39 male and female English major students participating in two different Advanced Writing classes at Islamic Azad University, North Tehran branch. Students in both classes sat for a placement test and then for a brain dominance test. Two essay writing tests were administered to evaluate the students’ writing performance, one as the pre-test and the other as the post-test. The statistical analysis of the data indicated that the right brain dominant group significantly outperformed the left-brain dominant group on the post-test of writing irrespective of types of pre-writing strategies. The clustering group significantly outperformed the looping group on the post-test of writing irrespective of the types of brain dominance. There was a significant interaction between the types of pre-writing strategies and brain dominance. After receiving the clustering strategy, there was not any significant difference between the right and left-brain dominant groups’ means. However, the right brain dominant group significantly outperformed the left-brain dominant group after receiving looping as the pre-writing strategy.


brain dominance, pre-writing, clustering, looping, writing performance

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