On the Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Burnout, Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction

Mehran Davaribina, Zahra Ghobadi Asl


Teachers occupy crucial role in the process of educating an individual and a nation. In foreign language setting, there are some social psychological variables that can highly influence on the teachers' performance and efficiency; three of these important variables in language pedagogy are burnout, self-efficacy and job satisfaction. This study, which utilized quantitative methodology, aimed at measuring the relationship between the teacher burnout, self-efficacy and job satisfaction of Iranian English teachers. The data were gathered through the application of the three questionnaires: Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey, developed by Maslach and Jackson (1986), (Bandura, 1997) Instrument Teacher Self-efficacy Scale for measuring teachers‟ self-efficacy and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (job satisfaction). Statistical analysis showed low level of burnout in Iranian EFL teachers, after doing correlation analysis; negative relationship was presented between burnout and self-efficacy. Also, the role of self-efficacy and its subscales as a burnout predictor for teachers was about 38%. In the next step, Iranian EFL teacher job satisfaction was analyzed, Statistical analysis showed low level of job satisfaction in Iranian EFL teachers, too, after doing correlation analysis; negative relationship was presented between job satisfaction and burnout, also it was revealed that job satisfaction and its components 21% could predict teachers’ burnout.


Teacher Burnout, Self-efficacy, Job Satisfaction

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