EFL Learners and Teachers' Satisfaction Degree towards Online Learning and Teaching through COVID-19 Pandemic

Abeer Al-Ghazo, Issam Mostafa Ta'amneh


The study aims at exploring EFL learners and teachers' satisfaction degree towards online learning and teaching through COVID-19 Pandemic. To conduct the study, the researchers prepared two suitable questionnaires after reviewing a lot of related modern literature to explore the EFL learners and teachers' satisfaction degree towards online learning and teaching through COVID-19 pandemic. They were distributed among109 learners and 34 Jordanian EFL teachers at different educational institutions and schools in Jordan. The results showed that both EFL learners and teachers had a moderate satisfaction degree towards online learning and teaching through Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the results showed that there are no statistically significant differences at (a= 0.05) in students and teachers' responses in their degree of satisfaction towards online learning and teaching through COVID-19 Pandemic that could be attributed to gender.


Online learning, traditional learning, COVID-19, EFL Teachers, EFL learners, Satisfaction Degree

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