Investigating the Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms (SMPs) in English Language Teaching and Learning from EFL Students' Perspectives
Social media technologies have undeniably become an integral part of all fields, particularly in education and teaching EFL/ESL. This spread has exhibited huge effects in the system of teaching and learning resulting in the emergence of communities of learning that are supported by collective interaction and engagement. This study aims to explore EFL students' attitudes and perspectives towards the use of social media platforms in English language teaching and learning. The study is based on the quantitative approach utilising the survey method to collect descriptive data regarding the attitudes and perceptions of sixty-four EFL female students randomly chosen at the English Language Center in the UTAS in Oman. The study utilized 14 Likert scale statements organised into two sections. Analysis of the collected data revealed that the majority of the participants believed strongly in the advantages of social media platforms for supporting pedagogical purposes and boosting their English language proficiency. The study has provided a set of implications and recommendations for teachers and administrators in the area of TESOL.
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