The Similarities between Two English/Chinese Bilingual Childrens Picture Books Publishers

Qiaoya Huang


Bilingual childrens picture books are one means of preparing students for living in our global society and diverse environments. The educational values of high-quality bilingual childrens picture books have been confirmed by studies.Although numerous bilingual childrens picture books are readily availablein the current market, these books vary in quality. It is our responsibility to ensure readers get access to high quality bilingual childrens picture books. To assist teachers and parents in selecting high-quality English/Chinese bilingual childrens picture books for the school curriculumand family literacy practice, this study examines the similarfeatures of English/Chinese bilingual childrens picture books from different publishers. The researchersinvestigatesthe similaritiesbetween two major English/Chinese bilingual childrens picture bookspublishers: Mantra Lingua and Milet. The similaritiesbetween 31 English/Chinese bilingual childrens picture books collected from these publishers were examined.Specifically, similarfeatureswere scrutinized in the following areas: topic, Chinese language selection, Chinese translator, Chinese translation errors, information about the illustrator and translator, qualified author or illustrator, information about the book, illustration, and theme. The results display the similar features of the English/Chinese bilingual childrens picture books reviewed from Mantra Lingua and Milet and present them for consideration by students, teachers, and parents. Furthermore, the results suggest the areas where future bilingual childrens picture bookspublishers can improve to produce high-quality bilingual childrens picture books.


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