Exploring the Relationship of Social Class Climate, Language Mindsets and Achievement Emotions in Chinese University Context

Qian Zhang, Lisheng Li, Kehui Li


Since the emergence of positive psychology, there has been a growing interest among researchers in understanding the importance of emotions. Concurrently, the control-value theory has emphasized the connection between one's environment, beliefs, and emotions. In the realm of educational research, the significance of factors such as social class climate, language mindsets, and achievement emotions has been acknowledged, though studies exploring their interrelations have been limited. This study contributed to the field of positive psychology by delving into the intricate relationship between social class climate, language mindsets, and achievement emotions. A total of 551 college students, all of whom were studying English as a foreign language at two universities in China, participated in this research. Data collection was carried out through a comprehensive questionnaire, which yielded the following noteworthy findings: (1) Participants reported medium levels of FLCA (foreign language classroom anxiety), FLE (foreign language enjoyment), language mindsets, and high level of class social climate, which indicated that their learning environment was harmonious overall. (2) Significant correlations were found between social class climate, language mindsets and achievement emotions. (3) Significant mediating effects of language mindsets and FLCA were found between both achievement emotions and class social climate. The results revealed an intricate interplay between one's environment, personal beliefs, and the range of emotions associated with academic achievement. As a result, this study offered valuable insights for future research endeavors and provided meaningful implications for the field of foreign language education.


social class climate; language mindsets; achievement emotions; college students

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