Scaffolding Second/Foreign Language Writing Through Customized Feedback Using Screencasting Technology

Surya Subrahmanyam Vellanki


This study investigates the impact of technology-mediated screencast multimodal feedback on EFL students' writing skills in a remote teaching context in Oman. Conducted with two groups of Post-Foundation students in a Technical Writing course, the research examined the effectiveness of screencasting multimodal feedback, which combines video recordings of oral commentary, written corrections, and visual highlights. Data collection included questionnaires, analysis of students' written work, and informal virtual group discussions. The findings revealed that students significantly improved in areas such as task response, coherence, cohesion, lexical resource, and grammar. Multimodal feedback facilitated deeper engagement with the revision process and helped students better understand and incorporate corrections into their subsequent drafts. Despite technical challenges, the majority of students preferred multimodal feedback over traditional methods due to its clarity, personalization, and ability to cater to different learning styles. Students reported that the ability to pause and replay the feedback videos was particularly beneficial for understanding complex corrections. Additionally, the personalized nature of the feedback fostered a stronger connection between students and the instructor, enhancing motivation and support. This study highlights the potential of screencasting feedback to significantly enhance student writing proficiency and suggests further research to explore its long-term effects across diverse educational settings and learner demographics.


Engagement; EFL/ESL Writing Skills; Multimodal Feedback; Personalized Feedback; Screencasting

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