The Effect of English Teachers’ Code-Switching and Translation Strategies on the Enhancement of Iranian EFL Junior Secondary Program Students’ Language Learning
The present study aims at focusing on the significance of employing L1 in L2 classroom (in EFL context) via code-switching and translation strategies by English teachers. It argues the use of L2 solely for teaching English (in EFL classroom) seems inadequate to achieve L2 teaching and learning goals. Employing L1 alongside L2 in EFL context, especially at low level, contributes students to learn L2 more effectively. For this purpose, 45 Iranian Junior Secondary Program (JSP) or first grade students were selected, and then, they were divided into three groups of 15 and were randomly assigned to two experimental groups of code-switching and translation strategies and one control group. After pretesting, the first group was taught by code-switching strategy, the second group was taught by translation strategy, and the third or control group was taught by the use of English solely. Also, there was a posttest based on the content of students’ English textbook. The collected data were analyzed through calculating descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that the first grade students in the experimental groups (A and B) attained the higher scores in the posttest compared to the control group. The findings of this study highlighted the effective features of utilizing the code-switching and translation strategies to maximize students’ meaningful learning, and fortify the flow of interaction between students and teacher collaboratively.
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