The Relationship between Novice and Experienced EFL ‎Teachers’ Perfectionism and Creativity

Hadis Fakhari


This study sought to investigate whether there is any significant relationship between novice and experienced EFL teachers’ perfectionism and creativity. Accordingly, 60 novice EFL teachers (15 male and 45 female) with less than three years of teaching experience, and 60 experienced teachers (29 male and 31 female) with more than five years of experience, participated in this study. All 120 participants were aged 20-50, either graduates or undergraduates of EFL related fields, who were selected through nonrandom convenience sampling. The two questionnaires of Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS) and Abedi-Schumacher Creativity Test (ACT) were administered. The results indicated that both novice and experienced EFL teachers’ perfectionism was a significant predictor of their creativity. This study supports the notion that teacher education centers may invest upon promoting teachers’ perfectionism in order to promote their creativity.


perfectionism, creativity, EFL teachers, novice, experienced

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