A CIPP Approach to Evaluation of Grammar Teaching Program at a High school in Iran
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of high school grammar program through the perspectives of instructors and students. To this end, The CIPP (context, input, process, and product) evaluation model developed by Stufflebeam (1971) was utilized. 120 students attending the second grade high school in the 1393-1394 educational year. 10 instructors teaching in the program participated in the study. The data were gathered through a self-reported student questionnaire. An interview which was designed for the instructors. While the data based on the questionnaire were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics, content analysis was carried out to analyze qualitative data. Results of the study indicated that the grammar program at a high school served for its purpose. The finding revealed that some improvement in the objectives, teaching methods and grammar curriculum effects on oral productive skill, were required to make the grammar program more effective.
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